Why You Should be Building an Email Marketing List in 2018
However, one asset you do control, regardless of EVERYTHING else is your list. One of the great myths in internet marketing is that email marketing / list building is dead or that it is dying. If that was true, you would not see top internet marketers (that you probably buy products from yourself as a result of reading an email) building and marketing to their lists.
What is the number #2 thing I would do after building my list? Again, that comes back to assets you control (your products/your blog etc) and both of my choices would include building a list as well as growing that asset. So, for avoidance of any doubt all of that comes back full circle to BUILDING YOUR LIST.
So that should be your main focus. The truth is, for some reason, a lot of people would rather do ANYTHING ELSE other than make lives easy for themselves, so they avoid building a list because they perceive it to be difficult in some way or that they are not ready for it yet.
That, my friend, is a HUGE MISTAKE!
7 Done For You Funnels With Squeeze Pages for LESS than $5 – Click HERE
To get started building a list all you need are:
* A Squeeze Page (Get 7 funnels with squeeze pages at the link above)
* An Autoresponder Account (I recommend AWeber – Click HERE)
* A High Quality gift you give away (see the link above for 7 of them)
I also recommend getting a domain name ($10.98 from Namecheap) and inexpensive hosting ($5.95 a month)
Let’s quickly run through the costs involved with getting started building a list – your most important asset in your online business and REALLY how inexpensive it all is if you are serious about doing this.
Squeeze Page – Create your own for free or buy 7 of them from me for less than 5 bucks.
Autoresponder – You get the first 30 days for FREE. After that it’s $19 a month.
Domain Name – $10.98 for a year.
Hosting (so you can upload your squeeze page to your domain etc) – $5.95 a month (go with the plus package)
Overall Cost In Month One: $19.90 (Domain Name + Hosting + Squeeze Page Kit – less than 20 bucks and you’re in business)
Average Monthly Cost Year One: $24.53 per month.
So for less than $25 a month you can run the essential basic framework of your online business which includes building a list. Whichever way you look at it if you’re serious, that is DIRT CHEAP!