Who Is Dean James?
It’s always tough when you start writing about yourself. You don’t want to be self-indulgent but you need to let people know a certain amount of background about you to get a feel for who you are and where you’ve been on your journey.
So, with that in mind, I want to take you back in time, but before I do that here’s a picture of me on holiday in Cyprus.
Step Into My Time Machine
Right, let’s go back in time – before I got into internet marketing, you name it I’ve done most of it.
Dead End Jobs – Check
Not So Dead End Jobs – Check
Dreams Of Winning The Lottery Whilst Being In Both Types of Jobs – Check
I was the guy that would buy some of those direct mail offers from the magazines. I remember telling one of my friends once that I was going to buy Ray Ban Sunglasses and sell them mail order. Of course, I didn’t, but the escapism reading those things was worth the entry fee and I think it is what probably triggered me into thinking differently.
I’m actually a qualified programmer, but I got typecast into technical roles which invariably involved me wearing a headset and sorting out people’s computer related problems. Calls would drop in and in true Groundhog Day fashion I would answer them ALL DAY LONG. After doing this for over 3 years it began to wear thin. Being a battery hen in an office was not my idea of being fulfilled.
I Once Won A Hearing Aid
That’s when I discovered competitions…
…while all my friends were going out drinking (I did do that as well), I’d join newsgroups and enter competitions. Sometimes I even WON!
I’ve won all sorts of strange things in competitions from computer games to dvd’s and meals in posh restaurants. The strangest thing I ever won was a hearing aid. That always got a good laugh when I told people about that.
“Guess what, I’ve won a prize”… “Good stuff, what did you win?”… “Erm. A hearing aid”.
I reached the point where I didn’t like anything about I.T. other than the fact I was helping people. I knew there must be another way to live but I didn’t know how to go about it. A really smart person with some cash to spare would have looked for a mentor at that point, but I didn’t know what I was looking for, so I just started ‘trying things’.
I Became A Search Engine Optimization Ninja
Eventually I ‘stumbled’ into creating niche websites and got very good at it. I also loved everything about SEO including the keyword research, traffic generation and building the website itself. It was something I found weirdly therapeutic and would happily build them whilst topping up with cups of tea and my favourite songs playing in the background. I was the top poster in a members only forum (somehow I made well over 1000 posts without breaking sweat) and I was even headhunted at one point, but it was never my dream to build someone elses (dream) so I politely turned them down.
I carried on building websites and at that point I had no inclination to start building a list or a blog like the one you are reading now.
List Building & Blogging Is Fun
What happens, though, is that you evolve over time as a marketer and you realise that one of the surest ways to stabilise your income is to build up assets that are under your control. A list is one such asset. A blog like this is another.
Incidentally if you do want to build a list but you don’t know where to start in terms of squeeze pages and follow-up copy for your autoresponder, my Automated Affiliate Sales Funnels Package is a perfect way to fast-track things. Click HERE to check it out.
Fast forward to today, as I write this I have thousands of subscribers on my mailing list and I’m as passionate about this niche as ever.
Success is about setting realistic and incrementally achievable goals. Don’t start out expecting to make thousands of dollars a month in your first month because it won’t happen like that. Work diligently and consistently, treating it as a real business and it will pay dividends for you over time. When you’re first getting started you MUST have belief in yourself and stick at it through the ups and downs.
Cute Cat Videos Won’t Make You Rich
You CAN be successful in the internet marketing niche. Of course, not everyone is going to be successful, but then not everyone knows cool people like me (;-)) and the truth is a lot of people don’t want it badly enough. Tough love here, but you know deep down that watching all those cool YouTube videos isn’t going to make you rich.
Learning and then applying what you learn is what will make you a consistent and growing income. Remember that, if you ever start getting into paralysis by analysis mode. TAKE ACTION and prioritise things in order of importance.
What About Successful Internet Marketing With Dean James – The Blog?
Which brings me to this blog. The whole purpose of this blog is to share with you reviews and info on the latest products/services in the internet marketing niche which can help you grow your online business, save time and cut down your learning curve. I’ll also be including information on products/services I personally use as well as marketing tips and gold nuggets along the way.
This Is NOT About Me, It’s About YOU
I know that sounds pretty strange considering this is an ‘about me’ page, but this blog is actually about you and what you want to achieve with your online business. I would not be anywhere without my loyal subscribers and readers so I am going to sign off this page here by saying ‘THANK YOU’. If you need to contact me or get in touch with me you can do so by filling in this contact form and I’ll get back to you personally.
Last but not least, please do feel free to leave a comment below even if it’s just to tell me a little bit more about you. I love to know who out there on the internet is reading.
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